Jhamsonceagain - Looking for Gay Escorts | Rent.Men

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Reviews I Wrote

Such a bad experience. One can let go of other granularity if the experience is good, but did not get anything here.

1. We agreed on 60mins, but I was rushed out in 27 mins flat. (Including 4-5 mins he tried to convince me to also agree to have his friend)
The main act was over in minutes and when I told him that there's still a lot of time left, he massaged me(wouldn't call it massage) for 7 mins and said it was over.

2. The room was pathetic, the windows had short curtains and someone from outside could see everything. The apartment itself was on 1st floor and there was a building right opposite the window which wasn't covered by anything. I felt very uncomfortable.

3. Pictures although his own, were highly edited and old. As quite evident, the uploaded pics are for some sort of portfolio, while the reality is not really the same.

4. He offered to also add his friend for a huge sum. It seems they shared the room and the other guy was in the bathroom, since he did not let me go there when I asked to use the toilet. Thank god I did not agree.

5. The act itself was so rushed. He did not seem to be agreeing to do anything, while his profile says how he can make our dreams come true. Not reliable at all. While I don't expect the person to be all out for my ideas but I don't expect them to be so rigid either.

6. He is not 5'11" as his profile claims, I am 5'9" and he was a good 3-4" shorter than me. So inaccuracy again.

Such a disappointment and waste of time, money and energy. Not recommended at all!
Time spent
1 hour
Not relaxing
Are Photos Accurate?
Photos are heavily edited
No, I don't think so

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2 months ago
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Member Since
26 Feb 2020

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