JorgeJorge - Looking for Gay Escorts | Rent.Men

Last online: 7 months ago
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Reviews I Wrote

Había leído las otras opiniones sobre Kenzo y más o menos nombraban aspectos que coincidían con lo que yo andaba buscando. Me decidí por él, le contacté y todo fue como la seda. La privacidad es esencial para él y para mi y enseguida hubo conexión. A pesar de todo yo estuve muy nervioso por ese misterio que le envuelve. Por fin llegó el día y os cuento:
Kenzo es un chico amable, super educado, deportista, elegante, varonil, con un cuerpo bellísimo (de adonis griego) pero cuyo mayor valor es su atracción personal. Es encantador, cariñoso, hace todo lo posible por tranquilizarte si estas nervioso, por lograr tu bienestar, él tiene todos los recursos necesarios para lograrlo.
He tenido una gran experiencia en todos los sentidos con él y espero tener más. Es extremadamente limpio y profesional y con él me he sentido absolutamente seguro en ese aspecto. Como persona es un 10.
Muchas gracias Kenzo me ha encantado conocerte, superaste todas mis expectativas.

I had read the other opinions about Kenzo and they named aspects that matched what I was looking for. I decided on him, I contacted him and everything went smoothly. Privacy is essential for him and me and there was a connection since the beginning. In spite of everything, I was very nervous about that mystery that surrounds him. Finally the day came and this is my own opinion:
Kenzo is a kind, sporty, elegant, manly boy, with a beautiful body (like a Greek Adonis) but whose greatest value is his personal attraction. He is charming, affectionate, he does everything possible to relax you, to achieve your well-being, he has all the necessary resources to achieve it.
I have had a great experience in every way with him and I look forward to more. He is extremely clean and professional and with him I have felt absolutely safe. As a person he is great.
Thank you very much Kenzo I was delighted to meet you, you exceeded all my expectations.
Time spent
3 hours
Very relaxing
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Yes, they are
Yes, definitely

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7 months ago
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Member Since
19 Jan 2016

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