Mrobins - Looking for Gay Escorts | Rent.Men

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Reviews I Wrote

I'm sorry I meet this guy. It cost me $400. Here's what happened. He did want be kissed. So I did not push it. That's how I get going. Touched me a little. Not much at all. Then stopped completely. He was unpleasantly salty. This went on for over 40 minutes. Then he started making some effort. That bit I enjoyed. This lasted about 7 minutes. Then he went to the bathroom. By the time he came out time was close to be over.

I have come across this type of escort once before. They do bare minimum. It's like you are supposed to worship them. Suck their dick. I was gonna say average but it wasn't average it was poor & he was expensive. It's not worth it however accomodating he seems via messenger.Please learn from my experience and say no to this guy.
Time spent
1 hour
Not applicable (Outcall)
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Member Since
25 Apr 2019

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