Sluttymchobag - Looking for Gay Escorts | Rent.Men

Last online: 8 years ago
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Reviews I Wrote

I met James on a different website, but I wanted to share my experiences here, where they'll (hopefully) do the most good. I absolutely cannot overstate the intensity of the excitement, the euphoria, and the gratitude I feel every time we get together - if you don't know the word "swoon", Google it. That's what happens to me the moment I'm in his presence - every, single time. And the swooning is undiminished after many sessions, over many months. .....if anything, it has expanded, deepened, blossomed . He is as rare as he is handsome, as kind as he is wicked, smart, witty, open, solicitous, warm, generous, highly intelligent with respect to practical matters, and has the wisdom of an old soul on matters philosophical. On top of everything else - he is so much fun to be around I start missing him the moment he walks out the door. James is a treasure. And these are just his G rated qualities - I could go on for days about his OTHER (equally robust) qualities....but it says not to dwell on the X rated aspects too much if you want the review to see the light of day, which I most certainly do. But I will say this (and I tell him this every time we're together): he should write a book!!

I feel so lucky to have met him - I love talking with him ALMOST as much as our other activities - he has a light within that he envelopes you with so you feel there's no one else in the universe but the two of you, and continues to exceed all expectations with each successive session. James is the bomb bomb biggity bomb bomb - fireworks - symphonies - fantasies - dreams - they're all pretenders. James is the real deal.
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1 hour
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8 years ago
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Member Since
23 Jan 2016

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