Ambrosinis - Looking for Gay Escorts | Rent.Men

Last online: 3 months ago
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Reviews I Wrote

Estive há três dias atrás com o Ricardo. Um rapaz educado, simpático e gentil, de sorriso delicado e verdadeiro. Fisicamente corresponde à sua descrição no site; honestamente, acho-o bem mais interessante ao vivo do que nas fotos. Para quem gosta de homens com barba, não sendo eu um apreciador, a dele fica-lhe bem. Eu pessoalmente tirava-lhe os pelos da barba e punha-os no peito, torná-lo-ia ainda mais bonito e atraente. Quatro horas que passaram num abrir e fechar de olhos. Recomendo-o vivamente
I was with Ricardo three days ago. An educated, friendly and kind boy, with a delicate and genuine smile. He physically matches with the description on the website; honestly, I found him even much more interesting in person than in the photos. For those who like men with beards, even not being myself a fan of it, it suits him. I personally had taken his his beard off, and would have put the hair on his chest, what I think, would make him even more beautiful and attractive. Four hours that passed in the blink of an eye. I strongly recommend it.
J'étais avec Ricardo il y a trois jours. Un garçon instruit, amical et gentil, avec un sourire délicat et authentique. Physiquement il correspond à la description sur le site; Honnêtement, je le trouve beaucoup plus intéressant en personne, que sur les photos. Pour ceux qui aiment les hommes barbu, n'étant pas moi un fan, la sienne, elle lui va bien. Personnellement, j'enleverais sa barbe et je mettrais ses poiles sur sa poitrine, cela le rendrait encore plus beau et séduisante. Quatre heures qui se sont écoulées en un clin d'œil. Je le recommande fortement.
Time spent
4 hours
Very relaxing
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Yes, they are
Yes, definitely

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3 months ago
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Member Since
28 Mar 2020

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