Randomrandom - Looking for Gay Escorts | Rent.Men

Last online: 4 years ago
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Reviews I Wrote

Long after quite searching and read those tempting reviews, I reached out to Nate right about time in Jakarta despite his bustling schedule. He responded in a super friendly way that you might think you knew him before. He was very open for any things and activities requested and even elevates them.
We dined out at first and getti ng to know each other. The conversation went along very well. I was ever looking at him nervously because he's actually very adorable in person and super fit body (I could already confirm that those pictures were accurate). His soft tone voice was really calming since he knew I was kinda nervous. He's an all-in-one package and I felt that it was a perfect start for the night.
Our session started with slow, sexy, sensual moves with my choices of undergarments on him with city lights behind us. The continued to explore every part of our bodies with our lips then sucking each other. Not too long for the warming up, we continued to the more intimate session when we slide onto (and into) each other. I really get excited because he really knew his moves and his moans excite me even more. We ended up by bursting wildly after several edging, sucking, and sountless nipple playing.
I didn't realize it was 4 hours already (might be more). I really thanked him for I he made me feel comfortable in every mood like he was your real life boyfriend. He's very professional and I really recommend his service, preferably in person, and I can imagine an overnight service would be much more satisfying and you get what you paid for.

I wrote this review based on my experience before this pandemic situation. Too bad he only serve online clients now, but still I can picture it will still be exciting. Thank you for patiently waiting such long for this review, Nate! Sure we'll meet again.
Time spent
4 hours
Very relaxing
Are Photos Accurate?
Yes, they are
Yes, definitely

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4 years ago
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Member Since
06 Sep 2020

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